Mini Stitches
I am not sure what inspired me in the first place to try to stitch small, but I am so glad I did! I know it sounds weird, but the creative freedom you have when the canvas is only the size of a dime, is actually huge. What started with a small blooming cactus, has turned into probably 50 different small pieces. From penises to the Prince Symbol, I have done it 😂.
If you take a look at them, they do tend to be on the non snarky side, and I did that accidentally on purpose. All of the designs are hand drawn with little to no tracing done and it’s fun to just free hand a design. It adds to the quirky charm of them, at least I think so. I also wanted the larger ones to be a “view from your window” type of thing. I REALLY enjoy the landscapes, that also happened by accident.
Floral Bouquet Magnet
Handmade floral bouquet embroidered magnet
I was at a local event doing an art booth, and a woman won my drawing for a free custom necklace. When I reached out to her, she said she wanted a mountain scene, I said yes, of course (even though I had never done one, but I would figure it out…..I always do.) The end result had snow capped mountains, a sunrise, and mountain flowers. I was in love, and being from Bend, i was inspired to do more mountain scenes. the next one I stitched also had snow capped mountains, flowers, and this time i included a mountain stream. Did I mention, it’s about the size of a quarter?
Quarter Sized Necklace with Mountain Scene and Sunrise
This was the first mountain scene necklace that inspired all other nature scene stitches.
These mini stitches have brought me joy in creating and the reactions from my customers and followers. They allow the child in me to come out and in my mind “play with crayons.” With a smaller canvas, there is more give and space for mistakes and not as much pressure to be “perfect” and I think we can all use a bit more of that in our lives. 💜